Wednesday, September 25, 2013

limes in a high key

Wanted to keep this one bright and light and for the most part in a high tonal range. Possibly placed the flowers a little too centrally, but it's tricky sometimes in a small portrait format. I felt the plant in the top right pulled the eye into that quadrant, just enough to make the central flowers allowable.

'limes in the center of things'
20X16 Acrylic on panel

A great event in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Only a few weeks now... Should be a great event! Taking part in the galleries group show too. Opening on the Friday night (18th). Check it out, it's worth the trip!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Two sets of Irises

Here's two paintings of Irises arranged on a table top rather than in a vase. This method of placing the flowers on the table allows me to crop closer to the table setting, bringing the flowers closer to the other elements within the composition.

I chose to create different palettes for each, but still wanted to play warm reds and oranges against the green stems and dark blue flowers. The Compliment of those color reactions is very evocative to me; additionally I love that play of warm and cool colors within the same frame.

 Cool Iris reclining on red
Acrylic on panel

 Reclining Iris
Acrylic on panel